Sunday, August 30, 2009

Creating Frameworks for Possibility

The speaker of the vision is transformed because the real world becomes the universe of possibilities and all obstacles that are in the way dissipate. Funny how this is point number 7 in this chapter. 7 is my favorite number and spiritually is implied as God's number of completion. Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people will perish. Interesting how this book has elevated my faith. I've said before that I have been on the brink of giving up, but being reminded that all things are possible has refreshed my mind, my heart and my soul. I haven't ran in two weeks and it has been aching me. Running is my liberation, but because of everything going on, I didn't care. I had lost sight of the vision and that usually happens when you close your eyes to avoid the problems. "How fascinating!" I've realized my mistake and I'm excited. Just like the prisoner's spirits being lifted through the compelling music of Mozart's Marriage of Figaro, my glow is back and I'm ready to start all over and get this Full Sail thing right, No Matter What and this is only the beginning. The Sky is not my limit, only the next stage.

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