Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Way Things Are

It is what it is. These past three weeks have been brutal for me. Dealing with death in the family, change of income due to my wife not working, my job responsibilities were changed without warning and trying to finish a thesis paper in the midst of beginning a brand new school year that imposes challenges that I've never faced before. I found myself this weekend with my face in my hands wondering how I was going to make it. The stress has set in and I initially have lost vision to the reality of my situation. It is what it is. I can't change my present situation I can only affect the outcome, and I had to keep moving forward. I remembered why I started this program and once again the possibilities that were presented to me at the beginning began to come back to mind. My approach to the way things are determines how successful I will be. Right now I don't know what is going to happen. I'm not going to have my paper done due to the demand of my time elsewhere, however, does that mean my progression in my passion stops? No! it is what it is and I'll keep moving forward. As I was battling through all of this, I found myself listening to the radio which is rare for me. A song came on that reopened my eyes to the possibilities of success in the midst of my current struggles. The song reminded me that my faith has never been in my own ability to conquer the obstacles in front of me, but the faith is built on knowing that I serve a savior who is my strength in the midst of trouble. Jesus is the I Am and since it is what it is, I realize He is what it is and it will all work out for my good.

Here is the video for the song that helped me through this week and has enabled me to go on in spite of the way things are.

1 comment:

  1. I love this part: "I remembered why I started this program and once again the possibilities that were presented to me at the beginning began to come back to mind. My approach to the way things are determines how successful I will be. Right now I don't know what is going to happen. I'm not going to have my paper done due to the demand of my time elsewhere, however, does that mean my progression in my passion stops? No!"

    So, we're not where we wanted to be, that's no reason to not continue to plug away and do what you can do, make a difference just as you have been doing. Onward and upward.
